Looking for job opportunities in
Chance connects you with companies in Germany for work or training.
Start your new career or continue your education in exciting fields.
Lucas McTimothy
Head of Design
Gemma Jackson
Content Strategist
Oliver Stagehand
Customer Specialist
Alice Smith
Founder & CEO
Former co-founder of ACME company. Early staff at XYZ. Loves coffee & morning runs.
Willkommen bei Chance!
Unsere Plattform
Wir konzentrieren uns auf verschiedene Bereiche, einschließlich: Pflege (Nursing), Künstliche
✓ Mit den richtigen Chancen verbinden: Wir
Finden Sie Ihre Karriere in Künstlicher Intelligenz
Nutzen Sie unsere Plattform, um die besten Arbeits- und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten in KI zu entdecken.
✓ Entdecken Sie spannende Projekte und innovative Technologien.
✓ Profitieren Sie von einer wachsenden Branche mit vielen
Step 1:
Submit your information and upload your resume through our user-friendly online form.
We will review your profile and connect you with the right companies for job or training
Contact us via email at chance.die.vermittelungsfirma@gmail.com for any questions or
We work with a variety of companies in Germany that are looking for skilled professionals
We offer job and training opportunities, complete support in the application process,